Come and get to experience camp activities and games with other special needs campers! Your camper will get to participate in games, activities, crafts, have lunch with each other, and sit in on a Bible story! Your camper will get to bond with other people with similar disabilities as well as get to do camp activities such as archery or BB gun shooting! Each camp is specific to the disability for registration. FAQ's and the schedule are located below.
Special Needs Camps Fal l 2022
Is lunch provided?
Lunch is not provided. Bring your own sack lunch so that your camper can have some time to socialize and eat with other campers!
What ages is this offered to?
These camps are offered for middle and highschoolers (6-12th grade). We plan on having more camps for other age groups in the future.
How do I register?
Click the "Registration Form" button above. Fill out the form, and return to [email protected] or mail to 933 Walker School Rd. Maryville, TN 37803
Can I drop my child off and pick them back up?
We require a caregiver that is familiar with your camper to be present the entire time. They need to actively participate with your camper as well.
does this program cost anything?
This program is entirely free for our campers. Bring a sack lunch, fill out a registration form, and come enjoy yourselves!
Can my child attend if he does not fit into one of these special needs categories?
We are offering camps to specific special needs so their primary diagnosis needs to fall into the categy for each day of camp. This is to ensure the programming and volunteers are the best for each group type and the campers are able to similar special needs campers with them. Campers must not be combative and able to cooperative with volunteers leading activities.
What does the schedule look like?
Campers will be split into 3 small groups and rotate through activities until lunch time. After lunch, we will have a interactive group Bible story. The schedule will be very flexible to ensure campers have time to get to activities as well as use the restroom if needed.
9:45 - Check in
10:00 - Set Expectations and Brief About Activities
10: 15 - Activity Rotation 1
10:50 - Activity Rotation 2
11:25 - Activity Rotation 3
12:00 - Clean up and lunch
12:45 - Group Interactive Bible Story
1:15 - Depart
9:45 - Check in
10:00 - Set Expectations and Brief About Activities
10: 15 - Activity Rotation 1
10:50 - Activity Rotation 2
11:25 - Activity Rotation 3
12:00 - Clean up and lunch
12:45 - Group Interactive Bible Story
1:15 - Depart
What if my camper needs medication during camp hours?
Camp Tipton does not administer any medications during special needs camp. You or your caretaker will need to provide any medications needed.